Checkpoint Tours
new feature has been activated for tracking Checkpoint Tours.
ScanPass Mobile Credentials and/or Access Cards can be used at
designated access points to track checkpoint activity. The access
point is configured as a start, middle, or end checkpoint. As the
user scans/swipes at each checkpoint their access is logged and can be
Economical Multiple
checkpoints can be added economically by using ScanPass barcodes in
place of card readers. The user can scan the barcode with their
phone using the Connect ONE App and their ScanPass Mobile Credential -
no equipment (besides the barcode) and no wiring required.
Checkpoint Tour Report The
new Checkpoint Tour report has two modes: summary and detail. The
summary mode shows the start and end access time for each tour within a
specified period and calculates the time spent within the tour.
The detail report shows everything the summary showed but also details
all of the checkpoints in-between the start and end too.
Checkpoint Time Rules A
new Time Rule option has also been added to automatically ensure the
Checkpoint Tours start and end at the appropriate times and if not a
notification can be delivered to responsible personnel.
Checkpoint Verification Each checkpoint access can also be linked to video snapshots of assigned cameras for video verification purposes.
Examples of Checkpoint Tours - Verification Security Guards are completing their rounds at the facility
- Verification Employees are completing certain routines