Feature Blog

May 20, 2020

Customer Option -> Code Duplication Feature [Show All]

A new customer level option may be enabled by the dealer which allows the customer-wide code duplication check to be overridden by the customer on a user-by-user basis. If enabled, while the customer is adding/editing the code, if a duplicate exists in some other system, they will see the duplication error yet will be provided with a prompt to override this security restriction by confirming they understand the risks yet want to continue with the duplicate entry anyway. By making this a customer option you enable on the dealer site, all of your other customers will still operate in the same way without any new prompt to avoid confusion. This method ensures they are reminded each time of the concerns of duplication across sites and still shows them the duplicate exists.

From the Dealer Site, go to the Customer then click on the customer name and then go to Customer Options on the left side.  Set the Duplicate Codes option as shown in the screenshot below.

Now your customer will see a prompt to override the customer-wide duplicate rule, see screenshot below.  This will not show if there is a duplicate on the same system as this is still not allowed.  If they choose to override, then the audit trail will include a message that they added/edited the code and the duplicate security rule was overridden.