News Articles

April 21, 2017

Reason #11: It's All About ROI for Your Customer [Show All]


    How to get your customers to pay you for services with Free Money

    Nothing will give your customers a bigger smile than when they can save money.  Yes there are savings in time and money for interfaces such as Connect ONE that simplifies control and management of security systems.  But, adding energy management can be a Huge ROI ( Return on Investment ) for your customers.  Every month the savings show up on their energy bill.  Now you can say to your customers, “Our service may even pay for itself in the savings you will enjoy from having your HVAC system managed and controlled through Connect ONE.“

    The more thermostats you integrate into the Connect ONE system the greater the savings.  Just remember that at some point your customers will be investigating how they can save on their energy bill.  If you don’t provide this value added service someone else will and you will loose valuable monthly recurring revenue. 

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      Request to Become a Dealer Today and Provide Your Customer a True ROI Solution


      Integrate, Control and Manage: Intrusion, Access Control, Video, Energy Management, & Critical Environmental Monitoring
      Easy-to-Use Interface available from Any Web-Enabled Device

      The BEST Way to Future-Proof Your Company

       For more information regarding Connected Technologies or Connect ONE®, please visit or call (866) 976-3520.

      Connected Technologies, llc., 6110 Lou Street, Crystal Lake, IL  60014